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Interiors Shop

Coastal Living Office

Wow, I can’t believe it’s already the end of August!  It’s been such a fun summer, but busy too!  I realize I haven’t shared many projects lately, so I decided I needed take some time to share a few!…


Decorators’ Show House 2017

If you follow me on Instagram, you may have seen a couple mentions of the Decorators’ Show House.  It’s open from April 23-May 14 at the Columbus Museum of Art, and each room features art from the museum’s collection.  Tickets are $25,…

Interiors Shop

Bookshelf Styling E-Design

I recently finished a fun E-DESIGN for my client who is settling into a new place.  She moved into a beautiful, old redbrick built in the 1920s, and the living room has 2 large bookshelves surrounding the fireplace that needed finishing.  She…


Balancing a Bookshelf

We are currently working on an E-DESIGN for a couple’s living room.  In addition to selecting and laying out furniture, we are helping them style their bookshelves.  One of our favorite sources of inspiration is the very talented Studio McGee, an interior design firm…