Family Vacation in London, Part 2 — Veronica Bradley Interiors
This post is a continuation of Family Vacation in London, Part 1. Tower Bridge We started our day at the iconic Tower Bridge, with its two Neo-gothic towers and pretty bright blue paint. We walked along the bank from the London Bridge tube stop to the Tower Bridge, passing the HMS Belfast along the way, and then crossed over to the Tower of London. Tower of London The Tower of London is a 900 year old castle and fortress in central London. It has been many different things through the years including a royal residence, barracks, armory, prison, and museum, notably housing the Crown Jewels. There’s a lot to see in the Tower of London, so it’s good to prioritize if you’re not staying for several hours. Raleigh is fascinated with knights, battles, and dungeons (thanks, Lego Nexo Knights), so we really enjoyed the Royal Armories at the White Tower and the dungeons. The line to see the Crown Jewels was extremely long, so we skipped it this time. I had somewhat forgotten about the surrounding houses inside the gates of the tower and enjoyed seeing their beautiful architecture. St. Paul’s Cathedral Next we strolled to St. Paul’s […]
Veronica Bradley