Increase Natural Light in Your Home — Veronica Bradley Interiors
Winter is coming, and that means spending more time inside. Combat the winter blues by increasing the natural light in your home. In addition to greatly improving your mood, it can give the impression of a larger space. If you have rooms that don’t get much light, you know how sad and cramped they can feel. Here are some tips to increase the natural light in your home and create a lighter, brighter, happier space. Mirrors and Reflective Surfaces Add mirrors and reflective surfaces to bounce more light around the room. When selecting furnishings and decor, think about the materials and the effect each one will have on the lighting. Hang a mirror in place of art or install a glass chandelier, glass coffee table, reflective tile, or polished floors. Color Choices Black absorbs light, and white reflects light. Colors in between them absorb certain wavelengths and reflect the rest, creating different colors. Be sure to select paint colors by room, with this in mind. If you’re trying to increase natural light, opt for lighter colors and consider glossier finishes that are more reflective. If you do want to introduce darker shades into the room, do it with smaller accessories […]
Veronica Bradley