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Fashion Interiors Shop Travel

Austin Favorites

As a Louisiana GRITS (Girl Raised in the South) living in the Midwest, I appreciate any chance I get to head south.  The people, culture, food, and even hot sun are things I often miss.  Last week, I had…


Cyber Monday Sales Roundup

Happy Cyber Monday!  I hope everyone had a happy Thanksgiving weekend!  I don’t know about you, but I like to do all of my holiday shopping from Thanksgiving through Cyber Monday.  I have had a pretty successful spree so…

Fashion Shop

Wedding Season with Rent the Runway

Wedding season is in full swing, and who doesn’t love a good reason to get dressed up and go to a fabulous party?!  I’ve been to about 6 weddings a year for the last 10 years.  Sometimes I’ll re-wear…

Fashion Shop Travel

Packing for Provence and Paris

We are headed to France this weekend, going to Provence for a wedding and Paris for a few days after that.  Fingers crossed for good weather!  We are really looking forward to seeing our friends who live in Paris, since we…